Security List Request

The Security List Request returns a list of Instruments that match one or more criteria as filters to the request.

API Key Permission: Read
POST /API/swaplend/marketstructure/SecurityListRequest

Request parameters

Field NameFormatReq'dComments
MsgTypeStringx = SecurityListRequest (lowercase X)
MsgSeqNumSeqNumUser generated incremental number to allow receiver to identify possible message gaps
SendingTimeUTCTimestampTime of sending this message
SecurityListRequestTypeIntType of Security List Request being made. Supported values:
0 = Symbol (further filtered by Underlying Symbol)
1 = SecurityType (REPO)
4 = All Securities
<Instrument> Component block
ProductInt13 = Financing (Repo is a financing product)
SecurityGroupStringID = Intra-day
ON = Overnight
TOD-TOM = Today + 1 day during week-end
1w = 1 week
2w = 2 weeks
SecurityTypeStringREPO = Repurchase agreement a.k.a. FX Swap
MaturityDateLocalMktDateDate of the far leg maturity
SecurityStatusInt1 = Active
2 = Inactive
4 = Expired
<UnderlyingInstrument> Component block
UnderlyingSymbolStringBTC/USD; ETH/JPY; ADA/USDT etc.
UnderlyingCurrencyCurrencyNote that this Field is only ISO 4217 in FIX, we augment it with CryptoCompare list of Crypto assets:
CurrencyCurrencyUse this field to filter for your Quote currency of interest, e.g. all Repo priced in EUR or USDT
TextStringFreeform field to pass any information
 2  "Header": {
 3    "MsgType": "x",
 4    "MsgSeqNum": "254374",
 5    "SenderCompID": "SENDER",
 6    "TargetCompID": "TARGET",
 7    "SendingTime": "20220904-06:46:21.427"
 8  },
 9  "SecurityReqID": "2764hs-7661",
10  "SecurityListRequestType": "1",
11  "Instrument": [
12    {
13      "SecurityGroup": "1w",
14      "SecurityType": "REPO",
15      "SecurityStatus": "1"
16    }
17  ],
18  "UnderlyingInstrument": [
19    {
20      "UnderlyingSymbol": "BTC/USD"
21    },
22    {
23      "UnderlyingSymbol": "BTC/USDT"
24    }
25  ],
26  "Text": "Filtered Security List"